Time for a new home and a new cohost
The official Square Enix forums are not a good blog format. With a limited number of characters on each post requiring extensive edits in order to write more than a paragraph, no notification system, no social networking, and a dozen other problems with what is essentially 20 year old forum technology, Tyriont made the decision to move ENTM to Tumblr, a mixed social media platform with better support for text and images.
Tyriont also brought Sakuraya Kai on board as a co-host to help break the workload up. This is also when ENTM began using Google Forms, which had many advantages over the forum for calculating votes. (The average Internet user is also more likely to have a valid Google account than they are a non-banned Square Enix forum account, after all….)
Cycle 5 was a celebration of FFXIV 3.0 and many of the themes of this cycle reflected looking back to ARR as well as looking forward to all the new zones and goodies we got with Heavensward.
Cycle 5 ran from December 2015 to February 2016.
Cycle 5 Winner: Eldaena Vonxandria
Cycle 5 Host: Tyriont and Kai
Cycle 5 Final Cast List
Annouille Andouillant
Eldaena Vonxandria
Iris Dawnshade
Katarh Mest
Kipih Lanbatal
Kiroti Orihara
Rivienne Cotrlaint
Stephen Fairbrook
Tress Amell
Vaerimont Lectoroix
Verlora Hunter
Xelah Jakkya
Cycle 5 Judges
Ciara Snow
Nozomi Kei
Xev Bellwyn