November Challenge Winner

Hi folks! By an overwhelming number of votes, the winner for the November 2019 challenge was Elessia! This quiet moment by the fireside captures the essence of “Cozy Corner.”


Congratulations! Stay tuned for our December challenge coming up in a few days.

Runway Week 3: Crystal Makeover

Welcome, once again, to another exciting week of ENTM’s Runway Cycle. This week we asked our models to travel through the looking glass, show us their true colours, and then pull a switch. Reverse it, bamboozle us, indulge in what isn’t for a change. Our models are complete fakeovers this week, showing us that inner beauty can only go so far, that sometimes you just need to show off someone else. In ENTM tradition they’ve undergone the Crystal Makeover, where we ask our models to do two things: incorporate the lesser-used makeover style, the stripe across the eyes, and show us what they’d look like as their opposite. It’s a wild mirror world this week, folks, so look, and look again, because things are not always what they seem.

Now then, who turned you upside down, spun you round and round? Let us know which of these impostors you enjoyed the most by voting! And may the best model… win!

Runway Week 2: Results

And the winner of Week Two: Steampunk Realness ain’t lyin’…

Tattl Tael!

Our victor Victorian left us breathless, serving legs for days, and looking positively industrious with just the right pops of colour to break up the cool browns and brasses of the ensemble. Keep up the excellent work my little jinglyshinies. Tattl may have had the wings of time this round, but don’t lose your steam. This week moreso than ever showed the impact our community has on the voting. Next week is anyone’s to win!

Now then. Let the music play!

November Challenge Voting

Hi folks! Sorry for the delay. We have three entries on the theme for Cozy Corner for the month of November.

Vote for your favorite shot! Voting will be open until Friday, November 29th.

Runway Week 2: Steampunk Realness

Welcome, welcome, one and all to another fabulous week of ENTM’s Runway Cycle! We are pleased to bring to you fiction come reality, the intersection of science and fashion and fantasy. Whether you’re journeying to the center of the earth, or travelling 20,000 leagues under the sea, one thing always holds true: you gotta look good, darling. This week we’ve asked our models to take the stage in the original TikTok. From airship-filled skies to Rapture below join us on a grand adventure, won’t you?

So, who bioshocked you the most? Go ahead, let off some steam, and vote! And may the best model … win!

Runway Week 1: Results

And the winner of Week One: Ruffle Some Feathers is…

Peruru Meioh!

You really strut your stuff, Peruru, and let the feathers fly! Even brought a red carpet with you! Our judges were loving your pops of colour, cohesive outfit, and suave, confident pose. Keep up the good work, but remember, this is just the beginning, my hatchlings. Before you fly the coop remember even the smallest of trickles can create the mightiest of waves. This is still anyone’s game!

Now then. Let the music play!

Runway Week 1: Ruffle Some Feathers

Welcome to another exciting edition of ENTM, the Runway Cycle. Each week our models will be given specific cues, and will create an outfit befitting the hautest of the haute. This week we asked our models to make a few waves, and display their plumage in the most creative of ways. Each outfit our models put together must have one article of clothing displaying feathers, and another displaying ruffles. Who came out on top? That’s up to our judges, and you, our dear audience. Now fly, my birds of paradise, fly!

Which of our models flounced and fluffed their way into your hearts? Let us know! Vote 1 for your strongest, and 12 for your weakest, and everyone else in between. And may the best model … win!

ENTM Runway Cycle: Meet the Models

If you’ve participated in previous cycles with ENTM you should already have a general idea of how this all works. ENTM draws inspiration from reality competition shows, and challenges virtual photographers to come up with the best representation of a given theme for the week. At the end of the cycle whomever has the best cumulative score is crowned the winner. Competition is heavily based on photographic methods, as well as storytelling. Through ENTM many have learned new techniques, and been able to tap into a new side of creativity and appreciation for Final Fantasy XIV.

Runway Cycle takes a slightly different approach. It is a marriage between our typical inspirations and ruleset and the weekly Fashion Report challenge at the Gold Saucer. Each week our models will be presented with a theme, and a few key rules that vary week to week, such as using a particular colour of dye, a particular piece of equipment visible, and so on and so forth. Photographic techniques are helpful, however are not necessary. This is all about selling the garment. So long as you can capture your own pose well, and show the outfit clearly, then you’re all set to set fire to the runway.

That being said, this whole competition is nothing without you, the models! Thank you for auditioning, and taking the time to participate in a fun game where the true reward is the journey and friends we make along the way (and also the only reward; there is no actual prize, sorry, we’re on a budget). I hope you all have fun, and enjoy the experience.

Without further ado, here are our lovely competitors, listed in alphabetical order by first name.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines, and may the best model … win!

November Challenge

Hi folks! For the month of November, our winner for October poked our second place finishers for some advice, and with their powers combined they came up with the nice winter theme of:

Cozy Corner

Now what on earth does that theme mean to you? Let’s find out!

Send your best screenshot that matches the theme “Cozy Corner” in a direct message to Katarh Mest on our Discord channel.

You have until Wednesday, November 20th to send me a shot. (Heeeey, that’s my birthday.) Voting will commence on the 21st, and I’ll close out the polls on November 27th, just in time for Thanksgiving in the US.

As always, the winner of our Monthly Challenge will earn the right to choose the theme for the next month, and a minion from the Mogstation.

Please join the ENTM Discord by clicking on >>>this link here! <<<

ENTM Runway Cycle: Meet Your Host & Judges

Your Host, Ni’ko Shae

Tumblr Cycle 11 winner and regular supporter of all things ENTM your host Ni’ko Shae puts the purr in purple. Rumour suggests a time when he had no association with the colours purple, pink, or anything in between, but such ridiculous allegations are clearly without merit. Runway Cycle is his brainchild created with /gpose beginners in mind.

Judge Kai Ulric

No stranger to the spotlight Kai is a long time model, host, site admin, and creator of the non-elimination ruleset. Always ready to cheer and judge, this lovely gal is also an avid housing collector. Rumour has it she has twenty houses across all data centers.

Judge Malkovich Malkovich

A double threat, this two-time S-rank model ready to judge your glam game has a great eye for drama. He’s also the warrior in Hidden Gorge ready to Holmgang you onto the train tracks. Glad he’s on our side!

Judge Odharnait “Ona” Greene

An avid promoter and supporter of ENTM, Ona is our Tumblr Cycle 10 Community Vote winner, frequent judge, frequent winner of our Monthly Challenge, and goddess of mythology. We welcome her grace and wit.

Judge Rymmrael “Rymm” Bhaldraelwyn

Tumblr Cycle 10’s lovely first alternate Rymm is a longtime supporter of ENTM, and a writer for Aetherflow Media. A true virtual fashionista, Rymm freely admits to spending more time on her in-game wardrobe than her real life wardrobe as she has made it her life mission to prove Roegadyns are just as pretty and fashionable as any other race (all hail the master race).

Thank you to our judges for stepping in for this competition, and thank you all for your interest and support. We’ve got six exciting weeks of fashion to forward, so please stay tuned. Cast announcement will be on the evening of Wednesday, November 6th.

Everybody say love! Now let the music play.