ENTM Fresh Faces Week 1 Winner!

Hello everyone! It is I, Host Kai!

We have just started a brand new cycle in ENTM’s lineup, and Week One has just wrapped up! Five more weeks, and we will be crowning our first ENTM Fresh Faces S-Rank Champion!

This week we asked our models to look to the stars for their inspiration, and they did not fail! All of our models did amazing, but the Community and Judges have spoken!

This week, the model who shone brightest in a sky full of stars is…

Istolin Saillonaux!!

Your dramatic night sky sparkled this week!

But, can you stay on top?

Find out next week!

ENTM: Fresh Faces W1: Starry Night

It is Week One, and we have officially started Fresh Faces! Our models have been working hard this week to get the perfect shot, and now it is up to you to vote!

This weeks theme was Starry Night and our models were asked to do the following:

Sometimes being the Warrior of Light can be a difficult job. Seeing that you’ve made it this far, why don’t you show us how you like to relax under the Starry Sky! Take an image of your character stargazing, any zone and expansion are open to this. The night sky with stars must be visible in the image.

The poll has the 6 models listed, please rate from your favorite (1) to least favorite (6)! Polls will be open until Tuesday night at Midnight (EST)!

You can vote here:

Please click here to see the images larger here:


Aelyria Windrunner
Escher Strange
Forthyn S’yel “Starry Night”
Istolin Saillonaux
L’chai Tia
Poro Pupperbean “The stars of the sky shine bright, but the stars of our souls shine brighter.”

Good luck to everyone!!

Host Kai

Welcome to ENTM Fresh Faces Cycle One!

Hello everyone, First off, I would like to announce the Judges for this cycle!

-Fellow Admin, Host Extreme and S-Rank Winner: Katarh Mest
-Our own Pink Kitty, Host and S-Rank Winner: Ni’ko Shae
-Three Time Model, and S-Rank Winner: Haila Wetyios

With that said, it is time to announce the ones that will be joining us for ENTM: Fresh Faces! I am super excited about this, and I hope everyone enjoys the ride!

This cycle is made for new models who have never participated in a cycle before. I am so happy we can bring more people into this fun little competition, and I am so glad they have decided to try out. I want to welcome them to the ENTM Family!

With that said, please give the models your love and welcome them to ENTM: Fresh Faces Cycle One!

Istolin Saillonaux of Mateus
Khloe Jaab of Louisoix
Escher Strange of Zodiark
Poro Pupperbean of Leviathan

L’chai Tia of Exodus
Forthyn S’yel of Adamantoise
Aelyria Windrunner of Siren

Congratulations to you all, and good luck!!

The first week images will be up, starting January 25th, 2020!

Welcome to ENTM: Fresh Faces of Eorzea!

Since this is a cycle that is aimed towards new models, I will explain a bit about ENTM and how it works! ENTM was started back in 2014 by Rongi Pongi, and started on the FFXIV Official Forums. We have since spread to Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and have an active Discord group. Everyone here loves this game, and loves glamours and /gpose. If you do as well, you’ll be among good company!

I run this as a non-elimination style cycle, which means models will have to commit to 6 weeks of themed photoshoots. Of course, if you get them done early you are more than welcome to turn them in early as well. I also need the models to join the discord group since this is where the critiques are posted, and where I keep in contact with the models.

The basis of ENTM is (and always will be) to provide a friendly, supportive and fun competition while giving constructive critiques to improve the model’s overall /gpose skills. Mostly, we just want this to be a fun little competition where you can show off your amazing skills, make new friends, learn some new techniques, and possibly be crowned the new S-Rank cycle champion!

Who can try out?
– If you have never been in an ENTM cycle before, you’re able to try out!
– If you tried out but never made it into any cycle, you’re able to try out!

And just to cover a question that might pop up: If a player has been in a cycle before, this also covers all their alt’s as well, and cannot try out on a different character.

Basic Rules:
Players trying out cannot use cropping, photoshop (plus any programs like it) or any 3rd party program that betters their graphics or changes the way their character looks in the game (adds muscles, changes the way gear looks, etc). This is so, regardless of the player being on a PC or PS4, everyone is on an equal playing field.
Players cannot fantasia, their character must remain as it is in the tryout photos. But, this does not include anything that can be done using the Aesthetician! We encourage the models to change their looks for every shot using our friendly Elezen fashionista!

How can you try out?
First, join our Discord! (don’t forget to go to the roles channel!)
Then, do the following 3 shots!
Portrait Shot (shoulders up)
Your Favorite Glamour (full body)
Your Favorite Place To Hang
Once done, DM Admin Kai (me!) with your Name, Server and the three shots listed!


The Judges will look them over to decide, and I am hoping for a total of 8-10 models for this cycle! If you have any more questions, feel free to @ me in the Discord group, or DM me!


January Monthly Challenge

It’s a new year, and time for a new challenge! And what better theme to kick off 2020 with than with a theme celebrating a fresh start to the season?

Daiyo has selected the first theme of this year as:

New Beginnings

With such an open ended theme, anything is possible, so go out into Eorzea and give us something new to see!

As always, the winner will receive a minion or another item of similar value from the Mogstation of their choice, and can select the next month’s theme.

ENTM’s monthly challenges are open to the wider community, even if you have never participated in an ENTM contest before. Screenshots must be taking using only ingame tools, such as Gpose, without any mods or post-process editing like Photoshop. Screenshots can include player characters or be “scenic” without any characters or NPCs if desired. Screenshots can be any orientation.

To enter, join our Discord channel by >>>> clicking here <<<< and send a DM to Admin Katarh that includes your character name and the shot that you want to submit.

Entries must be received before 11:59 PM EST on January 25th, 2020.

Help Support Us!

Since we have a new cycle coming up – and more cycles in the works, we would really like to work on promoting the wonderful group we have here.

So if you don’t follow us on our social media, please do! Even if we only have a few more people follow us and reblog, we are already reaching a larger audience! 🙂

Website: http://www.eorzeasntm.org/

Tumblr: https://eorzeasntm.tumblr.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/eorzeasntm1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eorzeasneotm/

Thank you for supporting us, and being a part of this wonderful group!

-ENTM Admin

2019 Monthly Challenge Winner(s)!

I just sat and counted up the 12 monthly challenge winners and… ya’lll. Y’all. This list.

Out of the 12 monthly challenges last year, the following models all won exactly twice.

Ni’ko Shae
Ninifipsi Fini
Yomu Kazul
Schan Starfall
Ona Greene

ENTM is truly a community effort and we’re so lucky to have everyone be part of the ENTM community. Every one of you gets to wear the crown of 2019 Monthly Challenge winner into 2020! (Psssst this means you can be badgered into becoming a judge, too!)

December Challenge Winner

While 2020 is hear, we still have to close out the final contest of 2019 by announcing the winner of ‘Tis the Season. The votes are all counted and the winner by a clear majority was Daiyu! ‘Tis the season for snowball fights indeed, and this simple shot captured the fun aspects of winter perfectly.

Congratulations, and hold your breath for the winner of the 2019 Monthly Challenge crown, coming up soon!

Welcome to 2020 with a New Cycle!

It’s a New Year and a New ENTM cycle! One that has not been done since the original cycle way back in the summer of 2014!

I see all of our future talent and all of the players who follow us on Twitter and Tumblr. I wanted to do a cycle for you, so:

Have you been looking for a reason to get more involved with our Discord? Have you wanted to try out, but were a bit nervous or shy going up against others who had done it before? Have you ever hoped there would be a cycle for all-new models, showing off their skills for the first time? Or, maybe you’re just ready to toss your hat in the ring!

Well, then:

Welcome to ENTM: Fresh Faces of Eorzea

We would love to get new models involved in our cycles, and our community. So we are looking to our community who has stuck with us. Who has voted for other models and followed the cycles, but haven’t tried out! This fun, new cycle was thought up with you in mind and we hope you will join us! Look for more information in the coming weeks!

For those models who have been in a cycle before, fear not! I’m sure you are chomping at the bit to show off how fabulous you are! Kat wants to remind you, this spring ENTM: Classic will be hopping in for your enjoyment!

So here is to a Fun and Happy New Year!!

-Host Kai

To join our Discord, please use the following link:
