Wow. The Cycle is over after this week??!?! I am not ok with this! I want to see the manager! There is no manager only Katarh…
For real for real.
The final week. When I was planning the weeks, I said I want this to be light hearted, push some boundaries, force the models to really think about what they were copying and give me images that are fun, funny, and impressive. For the last five weeks we have seen these amazing shots and the models stepping up to themes that are a little strange…
So I figured, lets make the final week something everyone enjoys, a theme that no one can pretend isn’t amazing and awesome and probably would be drunk at 10:45 in the morning if there weren’t obligations and a mountain of clothes to fold and put away….
That’s right… this week’s theme was
I gave the models some images of myself, some commissions some IG. Provided them with things Ona likes, characteristics of her personality, and told them to become me. Some models found embodying me to be a strange situation and they laughed as they sent me their images, while others, nah they all thought it was hilarious…
First, here is a gallery of the images I provided to the models:

Now… here are the models as Ona…

Now comes the fun part — which model best captures Ona, in all of her Loud, Loyal, Supportive, Cheese stick-appy juice-chicky nugg loving glory? Which Bard, outbarded the Bard of all Bards?
Drop your little votey votes and we will have an answer for you next Wednesday!
And as always, love from here
– Ona