Classic Cycle 13 Final Results

It’s been a hectic cycle for me and the judges, but our models persevered and all eight of them made it through our grueling six weeks of competition, despite new patch content and savage raiding and real life eating our faces, oh my!

All of the models making it to the final stage of the contest is a rare treat, so first I want to thank you all for your hard work and for sticking with it. Getting tough love from the judges can be painful, but we all want the best for you and for you to go out and take the most beautiful screenshots that you can.

But this is also ultimately a contest, so without further delay, here are the top three winners from Classic Cycle 13.

Third Place

In third place, with a score of 100.7, we have Neisha Rayne!

Neisha Rayne

Second Place

In second place, with a score of 90.6, we have Isillud Losstarot!

Isillud Losstarot


And our newest S-Rank model, who is a veteran of ENTM but never quite reached the top before…. with a score of 86.09, is Ninifipsi Fini! Congratulations, you are Eorzea’s next big talent!

Ninifipsi Fini

Community S-Rank

However, sometimes our judges and the community disagree. Voting was extremely tight among the community votes, with about a quarter of a point separating the top two vote getters, but the Community S-Rank is Neisha Rayne!

Neisha Rayne

ENTM will be taking a break for the month of May, aside from our monthly challenges.

Thank you all for following along with us, and keep on taking the best screenshots that you can!

Classic Cycle 13 Round 6 Winner

For the final round of this cycle, I tasked the models with an open ended storytelling theme Legends. This theme was a true test of artistic and creative mettle. Many of our models opted for local legends, others for classical legends, but the winner for this week’s cycle went for a modern legend in the form of the late David Bowie.

Congratulations to Isillud Losstarot for winning this week’s challenge with a scene from Labyrinth!

Isillud Losstarot

With that, Classic Cycle 13 is coming to a close. I will be tallying up the votes from the last six weeks and will announce the winner later today!

April Challenge Voting

After a bit of delay because real life kicked my butt, April Challenge voting is live! The theme for April was Slumber Party and we had three entries this month, including a sleepwalker.

Please click on each image below to view it in a larger size, then use your browser’s back button to return to this post. Vote for your favorite using the Google poll at the bottom of this page!

Although sign in is required, email addresses are not recorded. If you have trouble using the embedded Google poll, please click here to open the link in another tab:

Classic Cycle 13 Round 6 – Legends

We are on the final week of Classic Cycle 13, with all eight models having survived until the end of the contest. For that alone, every one deserves a round of applause!

This week’s theme was open ended with “Legends” – the models could choose to interpret this however they wished, with a legend from Eorzea or from the real world. All images had to have some kind of picture frame, with the intent of making it look like a story book illustration. I think everyone knocked it out of the park, but this is still a contest, so you’ll need to vote!

Please view each image below and then use the Google poll to vote, with 1 being the strongest, and ranked on down.

Due to the delay in posting this weekend, voting will remain open until 11:59 PM ET on Wednesday, April 27th.

Although the Google Poll is set to require a sign in to prevent duplicate voting, no email addresses are collected, only the timestamp of your vote.

If you are having trouble voting on the Google Poll embedded above, you can also open it directly in a new tab by clicking on this link:

Classic Cycle 13 Round 5 Winner

Last week was the tragedy to match Week 3’s comedy – and our models did an amazing job making us Feel the Feels. Black and white is a difficult medium to work with, too! Scoring was very tight, but the model who managed to bring the feels the best last week was Chibi Blu. Congratulations!

We have ONE MORE WEEK in Classic Cycle 13. (Like last week, posting will be delayed 24 hours until Saturday night because real life is eating my face on weekends right now.)

Chibi Blu

Classic Cycle 13 Round 5 – Death and Taxes

For this week’s challenge, I asked our models to use some throwback photography skills and bring a shot in pure black and white photography.

It comes for all of us. Show us your character being sad….. whether it’s about money or mundane things, or the deeper things in life.

Please view each of the images below in a larger size by clicking on the middle of the picture. Then use your browser’s back button to return to this post. Vote for the images using the Google poll at the bottom of this page. Remember that ENTM uses golf scores, so have #1 as which shot you think is the strongest.

Voting will be closed a bit later than usual due to today’s delay in posting. Please vote by 4PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, April 20th. If you are having trouble voting in the Google poll above, please click on this link to open the poll in a new tab:

Classic Cycle 13 Round 4 Winner

We had our big battle challenge for week 4, and while all of our models showed how well they can fight off a bad guy, one model in particular wow’d the judges for his fighting prowess. Congratulations to Isillud Losstarot for winning the challenge this week!

We have two more weeks in Classic Cycle 13. Thank you to all the models and judges for surviving Patchmas this week! (6.1 dungeons/zones are not permitted to be used, though, so no worries about spoilers.)

Isillud Losstarot

Classic Cycle 13 Round 4 – Protector of the Realm

For the fourth challenge of the cycle, we have our battle shots! Our models were asked to go out and take a picture of them engaged with an enemy, showing off how they prefer to save the world. There were no other restrictions other than to try to take the coolest screenshot possible.

Please click on each image below to view it in a larger size, and then use your browser’s back button to return to the post. Then vote for the shots in ranked other at the bottom of the screen. Remember that we use golf scores, and thus the shot you think is the strongest should be ranked at #1, the second strongest at 2, etc.

If you are having trouble viewing the Google Poll embedded above, please click on this link to open the poll in a new tab. You must be signed in to vote, but email addresses are not collected.

Classic Cycle 13 Round 3 Winner

April Fool’s is over (and I admit, I got sucked into /r/place over the weekend) but the pranks our models pulled with their minions are going to haunt their victims forever. This week, the model with the best Shenanigan goes to Chibi Blu, for telling her friend that it was a treasure chest when it was really a mimic.

The judges really loved the expression on your character’s face, as well as your victim’s reaction, capturing the perfect moment in time for an April Fool’s prank.


Chibi Blu

April Challenge 2022

The theme for April has been set: Go out and have yourself a Slumber Party!

Entries for the April Challenge will be accepted until 11:59 PM ET on April, 22nd 2022. To enter, sent your screenshot and your character name to Katarh Mest via DM on our Discord.

Please >>>click right here<<<< to join the ENTM Discord community if you have not done so already!

ENTM contests are open to the general screenshot community. You do not have to have participated in any ENTM contest before. You must, however, be a member of our Discord community to see the winner’s announcement. ENTM monthly contest screenshots must be “vanilla” – no mods, no Reshade, and no post processing allowed. You must include the FFXIV copyright notice on the shot to allow us to post on our website for voting. Please submit one (1) original screenshot for this contest, not used in any other contest before or posted on social media. Also please include the character name for voting. No other restrictions apply beyond these and the challenge theme as described above. Do not taunt happy fun ball.