We are on the final week of Classic Cycle 13, with all eight models having survived until the end of the contest. For that alone, every one deserves a round of applause!
This week’s theme was open ended with “Legends” – the models could choose to interpret this however they wished, with a legend from Eorzea or from the real world. All images had to have some kind of picture frame, with the intent of making it look like a story book illustration. I think everyone knocked it out of the park, but this is still a contest, so you’ll need to vote!
Please view each image below and then use the Google poll to vote, with 1 being the strongest, and ranked on down.
Due to the delay in posting this weekend, voting will remain open until 11:59 PM ET on Wednesday, April 27th.

Although the Google Poll is set to require a sign in to prevent duplicate voting, no email addresses are collected, only the timestamp of your vote.
If you are having trouble voting on the Google Poll embedded above, you can also open it directly in a new tab by clicking on this link: https://forms.gle/waGnkE9vXXsfLfp1A