Scenic Cycle Round 5: Amsel Adams

We’re in the home stretch of our first Scenic Cycle, with only two more weeks to go! Because of this, it’s time for a new round made just for this cycle – taking a shot in the style of Amsel Adams!

Adams is widely considered to be one the greatest landscape photographers of the 20th century. His large format silver prints of the US National Parks are world famous. He worked primarily in black and white, and many of his most famous shots were of beautiful peaks and valleys. In homage to the master, we have ten shots in black and white – with mountains!

Scenic Cycle Round 4 Results

Hi everyone! Last week our photographers had to brave some nasty weather to find us beautiful shots of storms . We had some breathtaking shots that traveled around the world, but the winner this week belonged to Aldrid Light for Byakko’s Wrath.

Byakko’s Wrath

Congratulations! The cloud formation in this shot is incredible and helps to balance the image nicely. This was a really challenging round but the judges were wow’d at how epic each of the storm shots felt, and how even when a location was similar, each shot had its own personality all the same.

Please continue reading for critiques from our judges!

Continue reading “Scenic Cycle Round 4 Results”

Stellazzio Virtual Theater Presents: The Little Prince

One more day to watch The Little Prince! There will be two additional performances tomorrow June 9th 2019, at 2PM CST and 7PM CST. (I recommend getting in line about an hour early – there will be a line! Additional encore performances may be scheduled if attendance is too high.) The show venue is Diablos server, Ward 9 Plot 5, The Goblet.

The show is incredible and the care and attention to detail is like nothing you have seen in XIV before. Congratulations to Stellazzio Virtual Theater for their successful performances so far, and break a leg tomorrow!

Please watch their beautiful trailer:

And for more information, visit their Discord channel!

Scenic Cycle Round 4

Hi folks! This week’s challenge to our photographers was another classic ENTM round, Dark and Stormy. Normally we send our models out with explicit instructions to get all wet in the rain, but for our photographers we expanded this round to include “exotic” weather phenomenon as well, as long as it’s… well, dark and stormy looking. (Aetherstorms definitely count!)

Our photographers staked out some pretty intense weather and have brought us some beautiful shots, as seen below.

Scenic Cycle Round 3 Winner

Last week I asked our photographers to send us a postcard from their favorite lake or river. The judges felt that the photographers have all really stepped up their game – this was a fantastic round, and it was a challenge for the judges to rank them.

But after all the votes were tallied, the winner this week was Zukira Phaera with Mystic Cavern.

Mystic Cavern

Congratulations! Hullbreaker Isle is gorgeous from start to finish, even the caves. I think a lot of us are going to be saving his one as a wallpaper.

For all the photographers, the judges critiques can be found below.

Continue reading “Scenic Cycle Round 3 Winner”

ENTM June Challenge

Hi folks! The theme for the June Challenge has been decided!

Please take a screenshot Underwater. As always, how you interpret this theme is completely up to you. After the community votes, the winner will receive a minion or another item of equal value from the Mogstation – and they also get to choose the next month’s theme.

Entries will be open until June 21st, 2018. Voting will then be open until June 27th, and the winner will be announced on June 28th – just in time for Shadowbringers.

Entries for ENTM Monthly challenges are open to the public. You do not have to have ever entered any ENTM contest before. To enter, please join our Discord and DM your entry to Katarh Mest (found under admins.) Or send your entry in an email to eorzeasntm at gmail dot com. Please be sure to include your server and your character name.

>>> Click Here to join the ENTM Discord! <<<

ENTM Scenic Cycle Round 3

Lakeside Postcard

Scenic Cycle has reached the mid point, and for this week I chose a theme that is similar to previous ENTM rounds but also new just for this cycle. I asked our photographers to go inland from the beach and find a beautiful lake or a river, and take a “post card” style shot. The requirements were specifically: must include fresh water, and must have any of the in game frames except for Cinematic.

All ten photographers submitted gorgeous Lakeside Postcards, so here they are for your viewing pleasure!

The judges will be reviewing these shots over the weekend, and the winner of this round will be announced on Wednesday, June 5th.

ENTM May Challenge Winner

Hi folks! For the May Challenge we had three models submit shots inspired by the dialog of Gilgamesh. With almost half the votes, the winner this month was again:

Schan Starfall

Schan Starfall: “Slippery little devil, aren’t you?”

Congratulations! Please stay tuned for our June challenge, which will be announced in a few days.

Scenic Cycle Round 2 Results

For last week’s challenge, I asked our photographers to go and take a shot of a sunrise or a sunset. No filters were required this week, but they did have to be in a specific window of time (5-7 AM or PM in the game.)

We had ten beautiful shots, but there can only be one winner each round – wait, what??

TWO?? We had a tie?

That’s right! Since Scenic cycle is anonymously judged without community votes, we had a dead even score between two photographers this week. The two shots were Edge of Eternity and End of the Occupation, taken by Malkovich Malkovich and Darius Stormcrow.

Congratulations! The judges had a really tough time this week, and a tied score proves it.

For all of our photographers, please check out the critiques below the fold.

Continue reading “Scenic Cycle Round 2 Results”

ENTM May Challenge Voting

Hi folks! The challenge for the month of May was to take a screenshot inspired by the dialogue of Gilgamesh! This was a tough challenge, but three models rose to the challenge this month and have submitted a shot.

Please take a look at each of these in the gallery below. Then scroll down below for the Google poll, and vote for your favorite! Remember that monthly challenges are entirely based on community votes, so we’re counting on you to participate and help pick a winner.

Voted for this contest has closed as of 6/1/2019.

– Moderator Katarh