ENTM Classic Cycle 12 Judges

Before we announce the cast, it’s time to introduce our judges! Critiques were not part of the first ENTM but they have been integral to each cycle ever since they were introduced. Our judges will appraise each shot independently and rank the shots according to strengths. Judges are asked not to confer with one another until all votes are cast – so if more than one judge notices something in your shot, it means they came to the conclusion on their own and should be treated as such.

The Judges for ENTM Classic Cycle 12 are:

Haila Wetyios of Balmung: Winner of Classic Cycle 10 and a frequent recurring judge ever since then. She has a spectacular eye for detail and an honest voice in her critiques. Haila most recently judged for Fresh Faces Cycle 1.

Malkovich Malkovich of Faerie: Winner of Instagram Cycle 2 and master of light and shadow. Most likely to be sharing cool stuff on our Screenshot Fun channel. Malkovich most recently judged for Runway Cycle 1.

Odharnait “Ona” Greene of Goblin: ENTM Monthly Challenge winner of 2018 and Community Winner of Tumblr Cycle 10. Ona is a frequent judge and likes to experiment with formats for her critiques, including once writing poems for every round of Scenic Cycle. Ona most recently judged Runway Cycle 1.

Aelyria Windrunner of Siren: Our Fresh Faces second place winner is also our freshest judge! Aelyria did magical things with her ultra wide screen monitor and played with composition in a unique way we hadn’t seen before in an ENTM cycle. We look forward to what she has to teach us in this new cycle!