In Eorzea and beyond one thing is known far and wide: glamour is the true endgame. Here at Eorzea’s Neo Talent Management we seek to not only develop one’s photography skills, but learn to strike a pose and sashay that runway as the true fashionista you’re all born to be. If you’ve ever been considering trying out but felt hesitant, well, henny now is your chance to strut your stuff and show us what you can do.
Announcing open auditions for our Runway Cycle. The rules are a little bit different, but in short the main focus here is all about you and how haute your couture really is. Each week you’ll be given a challenge which may include specific outfit accents, dye choices, or make-up choices you’ll need to follow. Other than that we want to see your interpretation of the theme. You’ll be encouraged to come up with cohesive outfits, strike a pose, and even go on location if you’re wanting the total experience. However, so long as the focus is all on you you’re doing it alright. To audition we will need three separate images of you (see example below; images shown as single image for the sake of Discord formatting). The first two are simple enough, but the third is a good taste of how the cycle works!
Bust Shot
A shot from the chest up. Show us your pretty face!
Casual Wear Shot
Show us what you’d wear off the battlefield.
Purple Reign
This is a glamour shot, meaning you’ll want to be in high fashion for this. Gowns, suits, get creative. Dress to the tens, because the nines just ain’t enough. For this shot you’ll need your entire outfit to be shades of purple either by way of the garment’s natural colour or utilizing dye. I highly recommend attention to accessories’ compliment, and perhaps even calling on our friend Jandelaine, the aesthetician. For this shot you must ensure your character is within an area of 1080×1920 pixels as this image will be used for the cast announcements.
Example: Bust Example: Casual Wear Example: “Purple Reign”
Audition shots must be submitted to your host Ni’ko Shae via Discord DM (Ni’ko Shae#6839), DM via Twitter @EorzeasNeoTM, or e-mailed to eorzeasntm@gmail.com by midnight (CST) on Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 with the cast announcement on Friday, August 7th, 2020. You are also more than welcome to join our Discord server for updates, and to join in on the conversation: https://discord.gg/n4fe7VF
In the interest of fairness the core rules for this cycle prohibit the use of all third-party modifications, the FFXIV watermark must be visible on all entries, frames are not to be used, and all images are to be taken portrait-style. Contestants must remain as the same character/race/gender in each image as they were for their audition. Due to the nature of the competition all participants must be at least level 15 with dye access and the aesthetician unlocked.
This competition will last for eight weeks, and is non-elimination. Contestants will be given until midnight (CST) Thursday, September 3rd to submit all eight weeks’ worth of images with voting for the first week going live on Friday, September 4th. Each week up until midnight (CST) on Thursday contestants will be allowed to change their submission as judges’ opinions and advice may inspire otherwise. At the end of eight weeks the cumulative scores will be tallied, and our winner will be crowned!
Good luck! And don’t fudge it up.