All Stars Round 2: Shipwrecked

Welcome back everyone to another week of our first ever All Stars Cycle! For Week 2, we took our inspiration from Cycle 2 and stranded our models someplace. Unlike Cycle 2, which was still limited by no Gpose and only a handful of potential locations, our models and self-judges were allowed to run wild with this idea and interpret it however they chose.

Please look at their selections below, and then go to our Google poll at the bottom of the gallery and rank them 1-14! Click on the center of a shot to make it bigger, then use your browser’s back button to return to this post.

Critiques are open to the public on our Discord channel. Tell our models what you loved about their shots, or anything you felt might have made these shots stronger. Look for the #all-stars-critiques channel and share your thoughts!

Please >>>click right here<<<< to join the ENTM Discord community if you have not done so already!

If you are having difficulty using the embedded poll above, you can still vote by clicking on this link to open the Google poll manually: