Without further ado the winner of our first ENTM Runway Cycle, and our newest S-rank Model is…
Katarh Mest!

Our hostest with the Mest-est, Katarh Mest, showed off her credentials big time throughout these six weeks delivering creativity and versatility with each passing week. Embodying the spirit of ENTM she proved it takes more than just a good outfit to come ahead in the competition; the right pose, background, and focus really helps to pull one ahead.
Ruffle Some Feathers Steampunk Realness Crystal Makeover Red Carpet Realness Read to Filth Rainbow Connection
Our second place victor, Rusoka Ulasirri, went above and beyond with unique angles and poses, and really brought a cinematographic feel to her shots.

Our third place victor, Tattl Tael, also earned herself the Community vote; this is the winner of the combined votes from community alone, excluding our judges. She brought a new level of cinematography and risk taking to our competition. Our fourth place victor, Yomu Kazul, showed us time and time again his level of versatility, atmosphere, and sense of humour.
And, of course, our competition wouldn’t have been a full house without our fifth place victors: Aldrid Light, Cowbot Ninetythree, Djevh’a Frehtj, Gangly Zilla, Jimin Choi, Peruru Meioh, Shion Jin, and Yume Aawkot. You all did marvelously. It was a joy to watch you grow each week, come up with new ideas, and be receptive to feedback. I thank you so much for being a part of this.
I want to thank you all for participating in whatever capacity. This cycle our roster included one of our own hosts taking on the role of competitor, ENTM veterans, and newcomers alike. Our cast spanned across the globe and back. A special thank you to our judges, Kai Ulric, Malkovich Malkovich, Odharnait “Ona” Greene, and Rymmrael “Rymm” Bhaldraelwyn, and of course our special guest judge Vederah Kilmister.
These past few weeks have been incredible, and I hope you all have had as much fun competing, watching, judging, and scoring as I have had hosting. It has been a thrill getting to know each of our competitors. We’ve all become closer because of this shared experience. You are all winners, baby.