We’re on to the home stretch of Classic Cycle 14. With six models remaining and scoring so tight I had to break out a magnifying glass last week, it’s still a wide open competition these last two weeks!
Our models were asked to present a “fairy tale” style shot – that is, to take a free style shot (battle, scenic, or fashion) and slap it in one of the Gpose frames with some filters to make it look like it came out of a picture book. They could choose an existing story for inspiration, or write their own fairy tale with a picture worth a thousand words.
Please look at each image below. To view the image in full size, click on the middle. Use your browser’s back button to return to this post. After looking at each image, vote using the embedded Google poll, with 1 as the strongest shot of the week on down. Voting will be open until Tuesday, July 25th.

Sign in is required, but no email addresses are collected. If you are having trouble voting using the embedded poll, please click on this link instead to open the poll in a new tab: https://forms.gle/LGahtKzZNyFisnuH7